How To Get Slime Out Of Carpet, Clothes & Hair

Learn how to get slime out of carpet, clothes & hair in this step-by-step tutorial.
Today you're going to learn how to remove stubborn slime from your carpet, clothes, and hair.
If you need to get slime out of your carpet, then keep reading.
We'll teach you how to get slime out of your carpet, clothes, and even hair.
Keep reading so you can finally get that slime out!
How to Remove Slime from Carpet
First things first, is it wet or dry slime?
Wet and dry slime call for different methods to remove them from your carpet. Before you approach this task, you need to determine if the slime is still wet and pliable or if it is solidly dried and brittle.
Moreover, the types of resources you use to remove the slime will largely depend on in what state the slime appears.
Wet slime calls for a different approach than dried slime, which itself may be more intensive and time consuming to remove successfully.
If the slime is still wet and soft, you actually may find it relatively easier to remove it from your carpet.
You also may need to use fewer cleaning products, such as dish soap, to get rid of it. However, if the slime is dried, you may need to rehydrate it before you attempt to remove it from carpeting.
How to Get Wet Slime Out of Carpet
Wet, or fresh, slime might best be removed with using common household products like dish soap or vinegar.
When you find wet slime on your carpet, you should first use a few drops of dish soap or equal parts vinegar and water on it.
Before you use either of these cleaning options, you may want to test them on an inconspicuous area of your carpeting to ensure they do not bleach or harm it.
After you apply dish soap or a vinegar and water mix on the wet slime, you should then cover it with a wet cloth for at least an hour.
After an hour passes, use a butter knife, scrub brush or sponge to clean up the wet slime, pulling out pieces of it as you loosen it from the carpet.
How to Get Dried Slime out of Carpet
Dried slime calls for a bit more work than fresh slime to get out of carpets. Before you can remove dried slime, you need to hydrate it again to make it easier to scrub up.
To rehydrate dried slime, place a warm, wet cloth over it and allow it to soak until the slime is softened.
After the slime rehydrates, you can then use the same methods for cleaning up wet slime out of your carpeting.
You may find it helpful to use a butter knife or soft bristled scrub brush to work the dried slime out of the carpet.
You can also use dish soap, water and vinegar or other mild cleaning agents like baking soda that will not harm your carpeting to remove it completely.
It also may help to use an upward plucking motion with the knife or brush to coax the slime out of the carpeting completely.
How to Get Slime Out of Carpet without Vinegar
Vinegar can leave behind an offensive smell when you use it to remove slime out of your carpet.
You may not want to worry about how your home smells. You also may worry that darker vinegar, such as apple cider vinegar, can leave behind stains on your carpets.
To get slime out of carpet without using vinegar, you can look to other acidic household products, including baking soda or club soda. You can also use a mix of dish soap and water.
Club soda has an acidic quality that can eat away at the sticky fibers in slime and help loosen it from the carpet's fibers.
Likewise, dish soap and water can lift gooey slime out of carpeting without causing damages or stains.
These cleaning options can help you gently and easily get rid of slime without leaving behind offensive odors or stains.
How to Get Sticky Slime Out of Carpet
Slime is well-known for being sticky and difficult to remove from upholstery and fabrics.
Still, when you target its glue-like quality, you may be able to lift it from your carpet successfully.
To target slime's gluey quality, you need to use a product like rubbing alcohol or baking soda.
Both products will neutralize the stickiness found in slime and make it somewhat easier to get rid of completely.
You can also use commercially made cleaning products like Goo Gone, which can make slime less sticky to clean up and easier to remove.
It is important that you avoid using products like WD40 that are flammable and can leave damages to your carpet.
You should also resist the urge to scrub the slime, which may cause it to be worked even tighter into your carpet fibers and more difficult to eliminate.
How to Get Slime Out of Carpet with Ice
Ice is another useful resource for neutralizing slime's stickiness and making it easier to remove from carpet.
To use ice to get rid of slime, simply hold it on the area of slime that you want to clean. Hold it in place for a few seconds to make the slime firmer and less sticky.
After you solidify the slime with ice, use a butter knife, scrub brush or pick to work out pieces of it from your carpet. Keep applying ice to the slime until you get all of it removed.
Ice can be an ideal way to remove slime from carpet because it does not cause bleach stains or unpleasant odors.
It is also inexpensive and probably readily available in your home. You do not have to buy it as you would other cleaning products to remove slime from carpet.
How to Get Slime Out with Baking Soda
Baking soda is another valuable resource to use to get out slime from your carpet. To use baking soda, first create a solution of vinegar water using a two to one ratio.
Next, sprinkle some baking soda on the slime in your carpet. Spray the baking soda with the vinegar water solution and allow it to sit for about 10 minutes.
After 10 minutes have passed, use a soft cloth or soft bristled scrub brush to work loose the slime from your carpet fibers.
You may need to apply the baking soda and vinegar water several times, depending on how ground in the slime is or how large of an area that you need to clean.
After you have removed the slime, pat the treated area dry with a paper towel or clean cloth to remove excess moisture. Allow it to dry completely.
How to Get Purple Slime Out of Carpet
Removing purple slime, or slime of any color, can require some careful thought and strategy.
You may be tempted to pour bleach over the purple slime in a desperate attempt to get rid of it completely.
However, you may actually do more harm to your carpet and do nothing to remove the purple slime itself.
Still, you need to target both the slime's stickiness and its color when you clean it up.
To address both, you can use a standard carpet cleaner that has an agent like OxyClean or Resolve in it. They may lift the slime without bleaching the color from your carpet.
If you do not have a carpet cleaning product on hand, you can also try to use hydrogen peroxide to clean out the color from purple slime.
Before you use peroxide, however, you should test it on a small area of carpet to ensure it will clean without taking out your carpet's color.
How to Remove Slime from Clothes
How to Get Wet Slime Out of Clothes
Getting slime out of clothes requires the same careful thought and attention involved with getting it out of carpet.
You want to take care with the types of products and methods you use so you do not ruin your clothing.
To get wet slime out of clothes, you may want to make the slime firmer first before you attempt to remove it.
You can use ice to harden the slime and then pick it off with your fingers or a butter knife. You can also use dish soap and warm water to loosen the slime from the clothes' fibers.
You may also use commercial products like Molly's Suds to remove slime from clothing.
This product is a color-safe option that can loosen slime and remove it without bleaching the color out of your clothing.
After you remove the slime, wash and dry your clothing like normal to restore its appearance completely.
How to Get Dried Slime Out of Clothes
When slime has dried on your clothing, it can still be somewhat easy to remove completely.
To begin the cleaning process, first pick and scrape off any dried slime from the clothing.
After you remove as much of the dried slime as possible, make a cleaning paste from baking soda and vinegar to get rid of the rest.
To make the paste, simply add vinegar to baking soda and mix together to make a thick enough paste to apply to the slime on the clothes you are cleaning. After you apply the paste to the clothing, allow the paste to dry completely.
When the paste is dry, use your fingers or a butter knife to chip away at the paste and slime to remove them entirely. Repeat this process until all of the slime is completely removed. Once the slime is gone, you can wash and dry your clothing like normal.
How to Get Slime Out of Clothes with Baking Soda
Baking soda is one of the more effective agents to remove slime from clothing. It is best used as a paste to target slime's stickiness and neutralize its hold on the fibers in your clothes.
You can make a paste out of baking soda using either water or vinegar as a hydrating agent. You use equal parts of baking soda and water or vinegar to create a thick paste to apply to slime that has gotten into your clothing.
It is important to apply the baking soda paste thick enough on the slime in your clothes to ensure it absorbs the slime's stickiness and color. You should then allow the baking soda paste to dry completely before you attempt to remove the slime underneath it.
Once the paste is completely dry, it should make chipping and peeling away the slime easier. You may need to apply the paste a couple of times, if not more, to get rid of all of the slime.
How to Get Slime Out of Clothes without Vinegar
It is understandable that you may not want to use vinegar on your clothing to get slime out of it.
Vinegar does not have a pleasant smell to it. It also can leave stains in your clothing, particularly if you use apple cider or red wine vinegar instead of white vinegar.
Still, you can use other agents, such as baking soda, dish soap or hydrogen peroxide, to get slime out of clothing.
You can also use commercial laundry products like Molly's Suds to lift slime out of clothing and leave no traces of it.
You can also use ice to harden slime in your clothing and make it easier to clean. Ice will not leave odors in your clothes, and it also will not cause bleach stains or discoloration.
How to Get Slime Out of Clothes after Washing
When you find slime in your clothing after washing it, you can get it out using acetone or nail polish remover. To accomplish this, first pour a small amount of nail polish remover or acetone over the slime on your clothes.
Then, use a cotton ball or cotton swap to work the acetone or polish remover into the slime completely. Once you work it into the slime, use another cotton ball or swab to start removing the slime from your clothes.
Acetone or polish remover can be especially helpful in removing slime that is particularly sticky or ground into your clothing fibers. You may need to use either of these products several times to remove the slime completely.
You can also use a product like Goo Gone to loosen slime from your clothing. Use a cotton swab or a cotton ball to work the Goo Gone into the slime and then lift it from your clothing fibers.
How to Get Slime Out of Clothes with Vinegar
You can use white vinegar to get slime out of your clothing.
It is vital that you use white vinegar instead of another variety, such as apple cider or red wine vinegar.
Apple cider or red wine vinegar can leave behind irreparable stains on your clothing.
To use white vinegar for this purpose, first pour a small amount of it on the slime.
Then allow the vinegar to soak in for about five minutes. Make sure it does not dry out and that it is still wet when you start working the slime out of your clothes.
Use your thumb or a small brush to start rubbing the slime in a circular motion to work it loose from the clothing fibers.
Rinse the treated area under warm water to begin rinsing it away. Repeat as often as needed to get rid of slime in your clothing.
How to Remove Slime from Clothes with Ice
Ice is another effective agent to remove slime from your clothes. It is inexpensive and readily available. It also does a sufficient job of getting rid of tough slime messes.
First, remove any hardened or loose slime from the clothing by picking it off with your fingers.
Next, put an ice cube directly on top of the rest of the slime. Wait for the ice to harden the slime before you try to get it out of the clothes you are cleaning.
Once the slime is hardened, pick it off with your fingernails or with a butter knife. If you do not have any ice on hand, place the piece of clothing with slime on it in the freezer to harden the slime.
You may need to repeat this process several times to remove all of the slime. You can then wash your clothing as normal.
How to Get Slime Out of Hair
How to Get Slime Out of Hair without Cutting It
Slime can make any parent frustrated who finds it firmly lodged in his or her child's hair.
However, you do not necessarily have to reach for a pair of scissors and start chopping away your child's hair to remove it.
You can use a number of products to get slime out of hair effectively and gently.
It is important that you use products that target the adhesive qualities found in slime, however.
You may find it best to use a gel-based cleaner, such as hand sanitizer or dish soap, first to neutralize the slime's stickiness.
You can then use other products like mayonnaise, peanut butter or conditioner to loosen the rest of it and get it out of your child's hair.
These options can get rid of the slime successfully. You also avoid having to cut your child's hair to get rid of all of the slime.
How to Get Slime Out of Hair with Vinegar
You can also use vinegar to get slime out hair. To use vinegar for this purpose, you can pour it directly over the slime in your hair.
Once the slime is covered with vinegar, you can start working it into the slime to loosen its hold from the hair strands.
You can also make a solution of vinegar and water if you are using vinegar on a child's hair. Vinegar can sting and hurt if it gets into your child's eyes.
Instead of using straight vinegar, you can make a solution of equal parts vinegar and water. Pour it over the slimed area of hair and work the slime loose.
If you use vinegar, you should note it can strip your hair of moisture. You will need to shampoo and condition your hair to restore its softness after using vinegar to remove slime from it.
How to Get Slime Out of Hair with Coke
Coke is another option for getting slime out of hair. It has an acid base that targets the adhesiveness found in slime and can loosen it from hair strands successfully.
To use Coke for this purpose, you can pour it directly over the slimed area of the person's hair. You can then work the Coke into the slime to loosen it and make it easier to rinse away.
You may need to use Coke several times if the slime is especially worked into the hair strands. You can use it straight or mix it with water if you plan to use it on a child's hair.
You will also need to wash and condition your hair like normal after using Coke to get slime out of it. The Coke is full of sugar and will leave your hair sticky and matted. It can also strip away your hair's natural moisture if you do not wash it out.
How to Get Slime Out of a Child's Hair
When slime gets in a child's hair, you may need to work quickly to get it out. A child may not want to sit still enough to let you work slowly to work it out. He or she may also not tolerate acidic cleaners like vinegar or Coke.
Instead, you may find it best to use a gentler and faster option like mayonnaise or peanut butter. The oils in these products neutralize the gluey nature of slime. They loosen slime's hold on your child's hair and let you work it out faster and easier.
You can also use a child-safe conditioner to work slime out of your child's hair. Once you get out the slime, you can rinse away the conditioner and shampoo his or her hair like normal.
How to Get Dried Slime Out of Hair
Dried slime can pose a unique challenge when you want to remove it from your hair.
You can remove as much of it as possible by pulling dried fragments of it off your hair strands.
However, if the dried slime is more worked into your hair, you may need to hydrate it again to make it easier to remove.
You can rinse the affected area of your hair under water to hydrate the dried slime.
After you get the slime wet again, you can then use a gel-based cleaner like dish soap or hand sanitizer to start working it out of your hair.
You can also use an oil-based product like mayonnaise, peanut butter or cooking oil to work out the dried slime.
Pour any of these options over the slime in your hair and then use a comb to start pulling the slime off bit by bit. After the slime is gone, you can wash and condition your hair like normal.
How to Get Wet Slime Out of Hair
Wet slime can also be a challenge to get out of your hair. It can cling tightly to your hair and cause you to pull out handfuls of strands when you try to remove it.
To make the slime less sticky, you will need to use something on it that will neutralize the glue in it.
This can involve using hand sanitizer, which can dry out the slime and make it easier to comb out of your hair.
You can also use a gel-based dish soap, such as Dawn liquid, to dry out the slime's stickiness.
You also may have luck using a high-quality conditioner to remove the wet slime without pulling out chunks of your own hair. Use a comb after applying the conditioner to work out the slime little by little until it is all out. You avoid having to cut your hair to get rid of wet slime.
Slime can be a great way to keep children busy for hours and engage them in healthy sensory playtime. However, it can also land in places where it was never intended to be used.
When you find it in your carpeting, clothing or your hair or the hair of your children, you do not have to cut out the slimed areas or toss away slime-laden apparel. You can use household products you probably already have on hand to get rid of it.
These products can range from simple and inexpensive options like baking soda and vinegar. They can also include conditioner, peanut butter and even ice cubes.
These common household products can be effective in drying out and making slime less sticky, and thus easier to remove from clothing, carpeting and hair. They can also inflict the least amount of, if any, damage to areas where you need to remove slime.
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