71 Swimming Pool & Drowning Statistics
80% of Americans claim that they can swim, but only 56% of those people can actually perform all of the five basic swimming skills.
You’re about to see a list of up-to-date swimming pool industry statistics.
On this page you’ll find new swimming pool stats related to:
- Global swimming statistics
- U.S. swimming statistics
- Drowning statistics
- Swimming pool industry market size and growth
- And a whole lot more
Let’s dive right into the stats.
Key Swimming Statistics and Trends:
- 80% of Americans claim that they can swim, but only 56% of those people can actually perform all of the five basic swimming skills.
- There are close to 350,000 competitive swimmers in the United States alone that are considered to be year-round athletes.
- Swimming Australia is one of the most popular swimming clubs in the country, and it has over 1,100 estimated clubs across Australia, and it has an estimated 100,000 club members.
- In England, approximately 4.7 million people swim at least twice a month, which has made it one of the most popular physical activities in the country.
- 43% of women say that they have had some sort of professional swimming instruction from a certified instructor, and 29% of women claim that they were self-taught.
- There are roughly 7,000 non-fatal injuries related to swimming every year. There are also around 400 fatal drownings that are swimming pool-related, but these numbers are through several years.
- Annually, there are approximately 240,000 drowning deaths every year worldwide.
- The average swimmer should be capable of completing a 100-yard distance in 2 minutes. If they want to compete in a 100-yard event, they should shoot for completing the distance in one minute 30 seconds.
- The swimming pool industry is expected to grow 25.1% in 2021, However, this industry has been declining by approximately 3.1% per year from 2016 to 2020.
Global Swimming Statistics
Swimming isn't just a popular activity in the United States, but it's something that people enjoy doing all over the world. Here are a few statistics surrounding global swimming and the popularity of this activity.
Overview Of The Swimming Industry
What percentage of the population can swim?
Roughly 80% of Americans claim that they can swim, but only 56% of those people can actually perform all of the five basic swimming skills that are capable of saving their life or the life of someone else in the water.

Many people claim to be capable of swimming, but not all of these people are capable of swimming safely.
These statistics are similar in other countries across the world. Therefore, the average amount of population that can actually swim is around 56%.
How popular is swimming in the world?
When polled, swimming was named the number two sports activity that people enjoy doing regularly. Every year, close to 64 million people enjoy swimming as a sports activity, alone, with friends, and with family, and it was only second to exercise walking.
How many people can swim competitively in the world?
There are close to 350,000 competitive swimmers in the United States alone that are considered to be year-round athletes. There are another 40,000 that are competitive swimmers but are not considered to be athletes.

Some people could be capable of swimming competitively, but it is also important to note that depending on where you live, it can cost several thousand dollars a year, which is one reason why people choose not to be competitive swimmers.
How many people in Australia swim?
Swimming is one of the most popular sports in Australia. Swimming Australia is one of the most popular swimming clubs in the country, and it has over 1,100 estimated clubs across Australia, and it has an estimated 100,000 club members.
Another reason swimming is such a popular sport in Australia is that it has 35,000 km of coastline that provides many beautiful places to go swimming and go on adventures.
How many people in England swim?
In England, approximately 4.7 million people swim at least twice a month, which has made it one of the most popular physical activities in the country.

This number has fluctuated over the years, but there have been pilots in different locations around the country to help grow the popularity of swimming and to keep the numbers up.
How many people in Singapore swim?
Although Singapore is a smaller country, swimming is a very popular activity, and back in 2019, the public pools in Singapore recorded that they had approximately 6.5 million people visit their facilities.
This was a slight decrease from previous years, but the numbers are expected to increase in the next few years.
U.S. Swimming Statistics
In the United States, swimming is a very popular sports activity, and there are several statistics that revolve around swimming pools and swimming as an activity, both for recreation and competition. Here are some of those statistics.
How many swimming pools are in the U.S?
There are approximately 300,000 public swimming pools, and there are roughly 10 million residential swimming pools in the U.S.

The number of residential swimming pools varies based on various factors because these numbers include both in-ground and above-ground pools.
What percentage of people in the U.S. don’t know how to swim?
Roughly 44% of the U.S. population does not know how to swim, even if they claim that they can.
There are five basic skills that are needed to be considered an actual swimmer, and although 80% of Americans claim that they are swimmers, it has been proven that only about 56% of these people can perform the five skills.
How many people swim in the U.S?
According to recent swimming statistics, roughly 28 million people in the United States have used swimming as their fitness and exercise activity.
Although 80% of Americans claim that they can swim, it has been proven that only about 56% of the population can properly perform the five basic skills that are required to be considered to be able to swim.
How many people are on a swim team in the U.S?
There are several teams that swim in competitions in the United States, and according to statistics, there are approximately 330,000 year-round athletic swimmers. The most important swimmer team in the United States is the Olympic team.
This team is composed of the top 34 swimmers in the United States. This includes 18 men and 16 women, and this team is composed of the top swimmers from the USA Swimming National Team.
Swimming Statistics By Gender
Swimming is a popular athletic activity that many people all over the world take part in. Some enjoy this activity as a hobby and pass time with friends and family, and other people actually make a living from swimming.
What percentage of women have taken swimming lessons?
43% of women say that they have had some sort of professional swimming instruction from a certified instructor, and 29% of women claim that they were self-taught.

When it comes to swimming, there is a large portion of the population that have taken swimming lessons, but there are still some that have taught themselves how to swim.
What percentage of men have taken swimming lessons?
When it comes to learning swimming, fewer men have learned swimming through taking lessons than women.
For instance, 34% of men have taken lessons from a certified instructor, and 44% of men have taught themselves how to swim. These statistics are opposite from women because more women have taken certified lessons.
What percent of women have taught themselves how to swim?
A larger percentage of women have acknowledged that they have taken lessons from certified instructors, but approximately 29% of women claim that they have learned how to swim on their own.
What percent of men have taught themselves how to swim?
More men claim that they taught themselves how to swim than women. According to statistics, 44% of all men that know how to swim claim that they taught themselves how to swim and didn't go to any sort of certified swimming classes.
Swimming Benefits & Risks Statistics
How does swimming regularly have an effect on your health?
Swimming is an excellent workout to help improve your overall health. For instance, unlike other exercise techniques, swimming helps to work your whole body in the same workout.
It can help to build your strength, endurance, and it can help work on your insides, as well. It can help to tone various muscles and even help to give you an excellent cardiovascular workout.
Finally, it is an exercise that many people can still do even when they have a prolonged illness that would prevent them from doing other exercises, like arthritis and other disabilities.
According to different studies, swimming has been proven to help improve your sleep and can even boost your mood. It has something to do with the full-body workout that comes from swimming, and another excellent health benefit of swimming is that it is a safe physical activity for pregnant women, which can help them to stay healthy when other exercise regimens can't be performed.
How many people in the world are injured due to swimming?
Swimming is considered to be a relatively safe activity compared to others, and on average, there are approximately 7,000 non-fatal injuries that are related to swimming.

There are also around 400 fatal drownings that are swimming pool-related, but these numbers are through several years.
How many injuries are due to swimming every year in the U.S?
According to the records, in a span of 3 years, there were less than 7,000 nonfatal drowning injuries that happened, but many of these types of injuries can be avoided with precautions and proper supervision.
Drowning Statistics
There are a lot of statistics that come with swimming, and unfortunately, drowning statistics are a huge part of statistics that you need to know. Drowning can be dramatically reduced with precautions and being careful.
How many people in the world drown every year?
Annually, there are roughly 240,000 drowning deaths every year worldwide.
Males, individuals with increased access to water, and children are at the highest risk of drowning, but it is important to know that this number could be decreased drastically if people take precautions and understand the dangers of drowning and how to protect themselves and their loved ones from these statistics.
How many people in the U.S. drown every year?
On an annual basis, there are approximately 4,000 fatal drownings in the United States every year, but these numbers are included in boating-related drownings, which are a small average of the overall fatal drownings every year. This number comes to an average of 10 to 11 fatal drownings per day in the United States.
What percentage of people receive hospital-related care for nonfatal drowning injuries?
According to statistics, it is estimated that every 5 to 10 people receive hospital-related care for nonfatal drowning injuries for every fatal drowning victim. It is important to note that 23% of child drownings happen around a pool at family gatherings, and most fatalities that happen in boating accidents are ruled as drowning instead of other types of industries.
What is the average household income where drowning happens the most?
Unlike in the past, pools are more common in many households than before, and it is important to understand that unlike in the past households in all income brackets have access to pools, whether they are in-ground or above-ground pools.
On average, the average income where drownings happen is between $40,000 and $80,000. This is generally because the pools at these households are not always properly locked away behind closed gates, which can be an issue for stray people going swimming in the pool without permission.
Olympic Swimming Statistics
Swimming in the Olympics is a great honor, regardless of what country you are competing with. However, there are a lot of excellent statistics that you should check out if you are planning on trying to reach Olympic swimming proficiency.
Who is the fastest olympic swimmer in history?
It is hard to figure out exactly who the fastest swimming the world is in history because there are different lengths that swimmers compete in just like running. For instance, the fastest swimmer in the 100m freestyle even was Caeleb Dressel, but the fastest swimmer in the 400 m freestyle race was Sun Yang.
As of July 2021, the fastest swimmer in the world is Caeleb Dressel, but that doesn't mean that he has beaten all of the swimming records in the past. He is just currently the fastest swimmer in the world.
How many people make the Olympics in each swimming event?
The number of people that are in the different swimming events depends on various factors. For instance, the 2020 USA Olympic team was comprised of 53 swimmers, and they are all set to different strengths for various types of swimming events. Each event can have a maximum of 56 swimmers, 28 of each gender, which leaves each even open for two individuals per team to join the event.
Who holds the most world records in swimming?
Currently, Michael Phelps is considered to be the best swimmer in history, due to the number of records that he set during his career. He retired back in 2016, and at the end of his career, he had set a total of 39 historic records, not to mention four individual Olympic records and four world records
However, Caeleb Dressel is coming up close to his records, and this includes his most current events in the 2021 Olympic games, where he competed with the United States Olympic Swimming team. Not to mention, Sarah Sjostrom is classified as the best swimmer in history for holding the most world records, which is a total of 6 individual records.
Who is the fastest girl swimmer in the world?
Katie Ledecky is considered to be the fastest woman swimming in the world, and she holds countless records in different swimming lengths. She runs freestyle events, and she has competed in both long and short courses in her history. She has set several world individual records when she competed in the Tokyo games while being on the United States Olympics swim team.
Who is the fastest kid swimmer in the world?
As of now, the fastest young swimming in the world is Carson Foster. He has set countless records for his age at only 11-years-old, and this includes having surpassed and beaten one of his idol's records, which was Michael Phelps, a renowned swimmer who had set countless records in his career.
Who is the highest paid swimmer?
Many people do not think that professional swimmers make money, but before he retired, Michael Phelps was the highest-paid swimmer. After retiring, it was estimated that he received approximately $1.9 billion from direct earnings throughout his career, and this was with him receiving 23 Olympic gold medals.
Who is the slowest Olympic swimmer in the world?
Although this might sound strange, Eric Moussambani is an exceptional swimmer from Equatorial Guinea in West Africa, and although he was considered to be the slowest swimmer in the Olympics, he still managed to win an Olympic race. His story is inspiring to many because he was never classified as being the fastest or the best, but he still managed to pull through and do what he had set out to do.
Swimming Speed Statistics
In competitive swimming, there are different speed events that people are capable of competing in, and there are different distance events that take place. Here are a few of the swimming speed statistics that are interesting to consider when thinking about becoming a swimmer or entering an event.
What is the average swimming speed?
The average swimmer is capable of swimming approximately 2 miles per hour, and this is basically the same thing as swimming 50 meters in a pool in a total of 56 seconds. In comparison, Michael Phelps, who is considered to be the fastest swimmer in history, is capable of swimming at an average of 6 miles per hour.
What is a good 100 yard swim time?
The average swimmer should be capable of completing a 100-yard distance in 2 minutes, but if they are wanting to compete in a 100-yard event, they should shoot for completing the distance in one minute 30 seconds.
If a swimmer is wanting to compete in longer races, they can use their 100-yard time to judge how fast they should be swimming longer races. However, if they find that they aren't able to last for a longer race, then they can adjust their speed according to until they can build up their stamina to last for the length of the race that they want.
What is a good 50 yard swim time?
Depending on the type of swimming you are performing, the good average swim time can vary. A horrible swim time for a 50-yard swim would be 50 seconds to a minute, but the average time for a good 50 yard swim time would be 40 to 45 seconds give or take.
However, an excellent time for a freestyle 50-yard even would be 35 seconds or lower. This would definitely make swimming an excellent choice for activity if you are wanting to compete in swimming events.
What is the fastest recorded speed in the Olympics?
The fastest Olympic record for swimming is 2 hours and 6 minutes, but this was not a continuous swim. This was set by Eliud Kipchoge from Kenya back in the 2020 Olympics. For this time, he completed eight 5km runs in a row with an average of 14 minutes 50 seconds per run.
Swimming Pool Industry Statistics
The swimming pool industry has been booming over the past few years, and it is expected to pick up more in the years to come. Here are a few interesting statistics surrounding the swimming pool industry and might interest you.
What is the swimming pool industry size?
According to statistics, the market size of the swimming pool industry in the United States is approximately $1.09 billion, which is an increase of 1.4% from the previous year.

It is also expected to increase in the next few years.
What is the swimming pool market growth rate?
The swimming pool market is valued at approximately $3.14 billion USD, according to statistics back in 2019, and it has been projected to reach $3.66 billion USD by the year 2027.

These numbers have the market growing at a CAGR of 1.93% a year from now until 2027.
Has the swimming pools industry in the U.S. grown or declined over the past 5 years?
Based on the past growth statistics of this industry, it is expected to grow approximately 25.1% in 2021, However, this industry has been declining by approximately 3.1% per year since 2016, and therefore, the increase in growth projections in 2021 is excellent.
Is the swimming pools industry in the U.S. expected to grow or decline over the next 5 years?
In the next 5 years, the swimming pools industry in the United States is expected to grow a little bit each year, which is extremely important for people that are looking to get into the swimming pool industry.
What are the biggest trends in the pool industry?
Some of the biggest trends in the pool industry come from the economy. The better the economy is doing the more people have to spend on their activities, which could allow them to invest in installing a pool or getting their pre-existing pool up and running.
Another trend that affects this industry is the desire for wellness because swimming is an excellent way for people to keep in shape and exercise, while still having fun.
Who are the largest pool manufacturers?
There are a lot of pool manufacturers in the industry, and currently, the top four USA companies in the industry are:
- Zodiac Pool Systems
- Pentair
- Latham Pool Products
- Hayward Commercial Pool Products
What are the factors driving the pool industry’s growth?
There are a lot of factors that people in the pool industry need to consider before going into the business. Currently, some of these factors are the economy, the materials for the most popular accessories, the projected weather, and a few other factors.
It is important to ensure that you think about some of these things before going into the industry to ensure that a pool business will have a place in the economy and area where you plan on building and promoting your business.
What is the CAGR of the pool industry?
The CAGR of the pool industry is expected to grow approximately at 2% over the next few years. This might seem like a small increase, but it could easily get larger over the next few years if the economy continues to improve and allows for more money to be put into leisure activities.
What is the future of the pool industry?
The future of the pool industry is a lot like other industries. The future of this industry is in the advanced technology that can be used in the different ways of the industry.
One thing about this industry is will always be around, which makes it a suitable investment for someone that is looking into businesses that will be able to last for a while.
However, you will still need to check and make sure that having a pool business in your area will have a substantial need before figuring out what you need to get started.
The swimming pool industry is constantly growing as newer pool models that are easy to set up become cheaper and more available to different demographics.
However, it is important to understand the drowning statistics and non-fatal injuries that come with owning and being responsible for a pool.
Make sure that you know everything before considering purchasing a pool, but you should also consider the benefits of having a pool for friends and family.
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